Sunday, January 24, 2010
A Thousand Splendid review
TKR's brutal scenes are an afternoon tea compared to the scenes described in TSS. TSS is the story of two women in Afghanistan and the way they come into each other's lives. These books are marvelously written. So much so, that I had flashbacks of TKR during some occasions of TSS and i had such vivid pictures that I had to stop and think if I had really seen it on tv or a movie .... but no certainly it was from earlier scenes depicted by Hosseini. The book is engulfing in so many ways. You fall in love with these women, so young, so vulnerable, yet so brave. The book goes into much of the Afghan history, culture, and way of life and it is absolutely intriguing, in sad ways more than anything, but definitely intriguing. How can these people survive all these hardships? They have suffered for so many years, they dont know what life without war is like.
This book really made me appreciate what I have and the way I was brought up, and most of all the culture into which I was born. Being a woman, and reading this book is heart breaking. I literally wanted to jump into the book and knock the life out of this man for doing what he did to them. How can men have so much disrespect for a woman. a wife. a daughter. how can a father not want "his" daughter because she is not a boy?
Anyway, just wanted to spill some of my thoughts about the book without giving too much away - I highly recommend this book, but be prepared to as Joey from Friends would put it "put the book in the freezer" ---- if you have read the book or if you read it, give me a shout when you are done, I would love to hear your thoughts regarding it.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Bookin' It!
So I have been really consumed by reading. I really have this list of books that i have read and I think they are ALL good. The list includes:
The Twilight Series ---- everyone else was doing it, but I really enjoyed the books.
Marley and Me ----- A total teer jerker, but so well written, and really just as much a good laugh as a sobber.
The Posionwood Bible ----- LOVED IT. HArd to get into, but kept turning pages based on CB's recommendation. There was a point, where i literally couldnt stop reading. I really enjoyed this book.
The Glass Castle ---- RIDICULOUSLY GOOD --- Thanks JB
The Emperor's Children ---- EXCELLENT ---- Thanks CB
The Lovely Bones --- page turner. Thanks LW.
Eat, Pray, Love ---- I absolutely related to her story!
The Kite Runner ---- absolutely amazing book, it really touched me. Such a great story, really well written, and opened my eyes about the Afghan culture and the country. It is hard to swallow some of the scences that the book paints, but I think they add so much to the story and are a key part in making the book as impactful (is that a word?!) as it is.
The Time Traveler's Wife --- picked this up because my new manager told me it was one of her favorite books. It was tough to follow at the beginning, but once you get the hang of how the book works, it is amazing. It caused me to reflect on JR and my relationship. And really i felt a lot of connections between the character's relationship and my relationship. Needless to say, i really enjoyed the book and would highly recommended it.
I have now started reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, which is written by the author or The Kite Runner. I must say that is my favorite book of 2009. I REALLY loved it, and have heard great things about A Thousand Splendid Suns. I am on Chapter 4, but will hopefully be writing about it on the blog. Or not about the book, but what I think as the pages turn.
Where have I been?!
On a Christmas note, I am so excited that I did all my Christmas shopping, well, I shouldn't say all, but most of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. I hardly dealt with crowds, but I probably did spend more money than originally intended. Oh well, the best part is seeing my loved ones open their presents, which they appear to have really loved. In particular my mom. I just love giving presents!!! My sister was in town for Christmas, and I realized that I had not seen her since LAST Christmas. That is just way too long. I guess that Ironman training really did take away the opportunities to go off to New York on any random weekend. Runs and Bikes were number one priorities over trips. This year, I definitely need to take some time to head up there to see her. When, i have no idea, since i have reduced vacation at the new j-o-b. I miss my 5 weeks of vacay. Not the only thing i miss btw.
The day after Christmas i ran with my friend @ That was so amazing. AND on January 1st, KK finished 482 miles running across Texas in effort to raise funds for pediatric cancer. You can see his website at ---- I raised money for his organization through my Ironman, and was able to raise over $2K --- so thanks to everyone who donated!!
Now I am getting ready for the Houston Half marathon. That is coming up on Sunday. It should be great! JR is running the full and looking to BQ (Boston Qualify) --- so i will be in full support mode once i cross the finish line.
I am hoping to be a little more frequent with my posts. Especially ramping up with training for Ironman Canada.