Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where have I been?!

...that's a question you might be asking yourself. So I am here to tell you. Last you heard from me, unless you see me regularly, I had finished my first ironman. Since then, quite a bit has happened....i.e. the new job, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, the big chill. What else?! Probably forgetting quite a few things, but those really are the bigs.

Thangsgiving was wonderful. I went with JR to South Carolina and had a great time. I met the rest of his family and I must say that I absolutely love them. They were very welcoming, and I really felt "at home" with everyone. I can't wait to go back.

On a Christmas note, I am so excited that I did all my Christmas shopping, well, I shouldn't say all, but most of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. I hardly dealt with crowds, but I probably did spend more money than originally intended. Oh well, the best part is seeing my loved ones open their presents, which they appear to have really loved. In particular my mom. I just love giving presents!!! My sister was in town for Christmas, and I realized that I had not seen her since LAST Christmas. That is just way too long. I guess that Ironman training really did take away the opportunities to go off to New York on any random weekend. Runs and Bikes were number one priorities over trips. This year, I definitely need to take some time to head up there to see her. When, i have no idea, since i have reduced vacation at the new j-o-b. I miss my 5 weeks of vacay. Not the only thing i miss btw.

The day after Christmas i ran with my friend @ That was so amazing. AND on January 1st, KK finished 482 miles running across Texas in effort to raise funds for pediatric cancer. You can see his website at ---- I raised money for his organization through my Ironman, and was able to raise over $2K --- so thanks to everyone who donated!!

Now I am getting ready for the Houston Half marathon. That is coming up on Sunday. It should be great! JR is running the full and looking to BQ (Boston Qualify) --- so i will be in full support mode once i cross the finish line.

I am hoping to be a little more frequent with my posts. Especially ramping up with training for Ironman Canada.

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