What a crazy past couple of days! Lets see ... ill post my workouts for starters since that is the main reason for keeping up with this thing:
6 miles - Seymour Leiberman (ran with Shellie) - no clue on the time because i erased it from my watch.
I was forced against my free will (yet i registered myself) to do the Rocky Raccoon 25K in Huntsville. I almost fell approximately 100 times. I made it out without falling. Doing this was enough to ensure that i never register for Sunmart, and it reinforced the fact that i will forever (never saying never) be a spectator at trail races. I wasnt really all that sore after it, but thanks but no thanks. I spent the last 8-9 miles of that run wishing it was over because i was afraid of falling and breaking something. Not what i am looking for when i have a vacation planned and an ironman in a year.
Time - 2:41
Shopping spree for christmas presents for Argentina. Had my old swimming friends over for dinner and that was awesome. Caught up with Mel and Jen (who i see on a regular basis).
No workout - except for walking endlessly around the freaking mall. i dont want to go to a mall for a very long time.
Had all intentions of getting up to run, but rocky raccoon left me with a little present. a little painful ankle that resulted from rolling my ankle on a root. So i decdided to let it rest one more day. Ran around like a bat out of hell all day. my windshield wipers decided to quit working in the middle of the rain, i got lost....got stuck in traffic. yea, lots of crazy things. i never get lost. i am pissed that i did.
all i have is a run so far.
3 miles - Seymore Leiberman - 27.59 - nasty nasty humidity. wonder what else the day has in store for me. i think i have to call my sister and apologize, so that she will talk to me. i dont think i can get on teh plane without doing that. how the heck do you apologize for something you are not sorry about??
I wish I could have ran Rocky Raccoon...I love the trails!
Man, I can't believe you didn't like RR. I looooooooove running there. Or on any trail for that matter.
I worked out two days in a row! Yaaaaay me!
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