Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I have the power!

or at least i would like to have it all. i am definitely a type "a" personality kind of girl. can this be fixed?
i want to do everything myself. i like things done my way. i like motivation, but i guess i would be pissed it someone tried to take stuff away from me. agh! somebody fix me!

Today's Workout

WH - 4x 800 - continuous - stay consistent - 17:23
1. 4:12
2. 4:08
3. 4:18
4. 4:23
I went consistently slower.

Temperature - 44 degrees

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nice Legs!!

well thats the first time i ever receive that compliment. today i wore my new dress. which i love. anyways, theres something to be said about a new outfit. it defintely makes you feel GREAT! i never thought that when i went to the eyeglass place, i would get one of the best compliments! this ranks up there with the "you've got a nice set of arms" comment i got at starbucks one morning. so anyways, i am at eye masters in highland village, and i am waiting for the chick that is processing my purchase. the guy that worked there, says to me "i hope you are not going to take offense to this, but first of all i just want you to know that i am gay, but damn, you have really great legs. you must do marathons or something" i thing i turned just a shade shy of blood red. anyways, i thanked the guy and went about my business. so i got a freaking kick ass compliment and a new pair of glasses that definitely show the studious side of me.....actually i am just excited because i wont be embarrassed to wear my glasses now. its going to do wonders for me during busy season!!

today was trully never ending though. waited for my manager to get back with me on some stuff and it was just kinda later than i originally intended on staying. oh well...i take off early on thursday and i wont see that place until next tuesday. i just cant wait. IMFL here we come! the next couple of weekends are just going to be a complete and total blast. then seriousness will hit and for sure hard core training will begin. with some serious strength training and core workouts and trainer ridesto get faster. I am going to kick the shit out of IMFL 2008.

sometimes i wish i didnt have my shit together. it intimidates people.

today's workout

4 miles - Memorial - 33:20

1. 8:15

2. 8:05

3. 8:25

4. 8:33

Temperature: i think it was like 61 but totally windy. it was saweeeeet! too bad i cant run tomorrow cause i have to be at work at the butt crack. i think its going to be in the upppppper 30s! damn!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Left Ventricle

What a great weekend! The weather has been absolutely PERFECT!!! Left work a little early friday, which was great given the late - ER nights during the week. They werent that late just more late than regular. Anyways, watched What Happens in Vegas, which i recommend to anyone who wants a good laugh. it is hilarious and totally awesome because its set in Brooklyn Heights and i have been to pretty much all the places in that they show in the movie. Went to dinner with one of my good friends from work and her fiance, and had a great time. Saturday morning, i ran the Great Pumpkin fun run (5K) which i hadnt run in a long time, a 5K that is. Anyways, i was really undecided about wearing my long sleeve shirt, which i totally overestimated how cold it was outside. it really wasnt that bad. so i ended up nixing the long sleeve shirt and just going in the usual comfort of my sports bra. As soon as the gun went off and we were on our way, i realized that i had a shoe lace that was hanging out and was too long, so it was tapping the ground the entire way and i wasnt about to stop to fix it. at that moment i realized that i would NEVER ever again tell someone that "their shoelaces are undone" yeah, i know. Anyways, my first mile was awesome 6:57, going good, second mile 7:08, and i realized i could potentially PR....mile 3...yeah had some hills 7:20 and the last .1 was in 1:01. i think though i started my watch at the gun and not when i crossed the mat. idiot. anyways, my offical chip time was 22:22. Met some friends after the race and we all went to breakfast which was delicious.
the rest of the day was awesome, went shopping for some new sunglasses which were a bday present from one of my good friends. hung out all day after that...watched football, went to dinner and went out wearing my hot new dress, which i TOTALLY love. Had a blast saturday night with my friends. the pictures are awesome.
this morning was a blast too...i was on the other side of the fence this time, as a spectator instead of a competitor. had a blast cheering for my friends and running/tri buds. went shopping and to lunch with my mom and then headed to my best friend from high school's wedding shower. that was a blast...then that is where i found out, that i got FIRST place in the 5K!!!! in my age group. totally awaesome!

Saturday's Workout

Great Pumpkin Fun Run (5K) - 22:22 - 1st in age!
1. 6:57
2. 7:08
3. 7:20

Temp - 59 degrees?!

Beer and wine Drinking ;)

Friday, October 24, 2008

It feels like Friday and it IS Friday!

YEY! its friday and it feels like friday! its been friday in my head since wednesday!!!!
today was pretty cool. had lunch at my favorite argentine lunch spot with my good friend, finished a bunch of crap at work and went on my merry way out the door.
I have a 5K tomorrow!! i wonder how fast i'll go. and by fast i mean "slow". PS this is going to be an awesome weekend!
i have been persuaded into doing another race. this one is a trail run. 25K of trails. should be ok. i bargained though, dont think i didnt get something out of signing up. I got my friend to sign up for austin, so that i can kick my goal's ass....i think that if he runs with me, ill for sure get it, cause he's a hard a$$. im pretty excited about austin, not so much about the 25K. ill get there though.


6 miles - 2 loops 51:45
1. 9:33
2. 8:39
3. 8:45
4. 8:25
5. 8:31
6. 8:35

Temperature: 51 degrees

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dunder Mifflin?!

Guess where i was from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm?! .....
Yep - the office, i left so late that i actually missed part of the actual show. And since i am stuck in the olden age and dont have dvr, i am screwed and dont get to watch the beginning. i guess jim was flippin gout cause pam was out late in nyc. whatev. its my new word. whatev. i stole it from a guy at work. At least we got a lot done at the office today. so thats always good. I am not all too thrilled about getting up in the am to run, but what makes it great is that its supposed to be 48 degrees in the morning. i freaking love cold weather. OH! another very exciting thing, me and one of my manager's other seniors are organizing a potluck christmas dinner! its going to be absolutely awesome. OOOh! i just thought that we could even do a little white elephant exchange....ahhh...back to the old college days of swim team holiday parties! HA!
Today's workout:
3 mile loop with K ~ 31 minutes.
Temp: 59 degrees

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Friend Gregory

I found this today...i dont know why it popped into my head. For those of you that have no idea what this is my first grade textbook. It was awesome. Its the only book title i remember. Guess it has to do with all the excitement of being a first grader.
On another note, i busted my a$$ at work today. Which means that i did not leave at 530. It means i left 40 minutes ago, and fortunately beat the massive storm! This means that i did not, once again, make it to the Y. BUT i did get up this morning for my run workout.
Oh funny thing happened at work. Turns out that my friend was looking at some pictures at work of this lady's daughter's wedding...well it just so happened that her daughter married my ex that left my heart in shambles. Over it now, but wow...small world.
Today's workout:
Hills - Spots
24 minute continuous. Made it through 4.75 loops of the course.
Temperature: 69 degrees

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday felt like Thursday....

so i attempted to get up this morning to go run. the alarm went off, and my hand hit the snooze button 1/2 of a second later. 9 minutes later, the alarm went off again. who was i kidding?! this time there was no snoozing, it was just resetting. I had to be at work before eight. meeting with the boss to discuss STRATEGY. by 10:39 am i felt like i should be well on my way to getting ready to go home. needless to say today dragged on and on until about 7:18 pm when i left work. i was supposed to go lift at the y. but that didnt happen either. agh. i feel like a ball of fat. i am hoping tomorrow's rain holds off until i am done running.
off to bed "my friends".
goodevening and goodnight.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, Monday

WH - 5x1200 2 min rest
1. 5:40
2. 5:22
3. 5:13
4. 5:14
5. 5:25

Comments: My beef with today's workout ---- people that dont take the alloted rest. Its ok, i kicked their butts in the end. Felt good.

Temp: 59 degrees and a little humid

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bloody Mary, Wine, Mimosas Oh MY!

story of the weekend is alcohol.
and when i say alcohol i dont mean the substance used to cure wounds, i mean the beverage used to cure wounds. not that i have any to heel, but as much intake as i had this weekend you would think so.
it started friday night with a few glasses of white wine. no harm. i saw "W" and if you are in teh mood to go see hollywood undermine the president, go see it otherwise dont waste your time. the movie actually pissed me off. anyways. saturday evening i thought i would just have a glass or two of red wine. nope...had 3/4 of the bottle instead, really i didnt even realize it.
today's brunch started with a bloody mary which definitely needed more salt. why does everything need more salt?! Then onion creek with two mimosas. goodness. i need some water, soon i will start sweating alcohol during my runs instead of sweat.

Friday, October 17, 2008


i cant see. everythign is blurry. my eyes are totally sensitive to the light. its because i got my eyes dialated. i never thought ieyes could trully be SORE. everything else, yes. eyes not so much.

i hope it goes away soon, although my eyes are like all pupil right now.

ok. weekend is going to suck. i have to work during it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another one bites the dust

yep...its true, one more is gone. gone from the firm. on to bigger and better things. KL is done. BUT not forgotten. I am going to have lunch with her every month at least once. I miss her bundles already!
On another note, i have to work some this weekend. Maybe K and i can get together and work. Fun stuff. If i can get through this, the rest of the month will be home free :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


that is what it was this morning. gross.
on monday, i forgot to pack my socks for my run after work. it led to a hole on the heel of my foot which i have been having to treat with bandaids. one falls off another one goes on. anyways, i suffered by putting on the very shoes that created the blisters that caused the holes on my heels. not to mention that i had to drag myself out of bed, becuase i made a promise that i would be at wills hills. i walk out the door and yes, i felt like i walked into a bowl of creamy soupy soup. why is it so muggy? it is the freakin middle of october! i should be seeing multicolored leaves on the trees (oh wait --- hurricane ike took them all), i should be wearing my fall clothes, i should be COLD when i walk out of the house for a run!!! anyways, i get in my car and head to wills hills. head over to where the workout is taking place only to figure out that the rain that showered over houston overnight had in fact caused a lot of mud puddles on our run course. i quickly diverted, ran back to the car and headed to the park, where i ran into some people i knew and did a loop with them. twas good, but i was more sweaty today after 24 minutes of running at 6AM, than i was a week and a half ago, after swimming, biking, and running for nearly six hours in teh heat of the day. WTF?!
The rest of the day sucked. my stomach hurt all day. no clue why. it still hurts, and at the rate its going i have no hope of the pain ever ending. i have taken my medicine, and i have drank ginger ale. what more can i do?!
oh, and the milk carton cut me as i carried the grocery bags up the stairs. fun.
tomorrow should be better. happy hour after work. yip.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some girls have all the luck!

sooooooooooo....its really great when your staff, gets a call in the middle of the afternoon. The call goes something like this..

How are you?
Just working.
No, no, its ok. I can talk. Whats going on?
Are you serious?
Oh My Gawd.
Yea, well i mean i have to ask my senior, but yea!

You guessed it, it got my attention when she said, i have to ask my senior. so, yes. she got an invitation to go to Ireland.........FRIDAY. As in two days from now. yep. Ireland, like the country that shares the island with England. Yep. and to make things even better, all expenses paid. Oh, and first class airfare.
Catch is.....i have to approve.
I am such a bitch.

No I am not. She is packing her bags.
Thursday is boss's day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

For June

So that you dont get bored, I have once again posted on my "blog". Take a good hard look, cause chances are i wont update it for a long, long time. Maybe if something cool happens to me. As for now. I am having a cup of tea before i head to bed. GoodNite!

Longhorn 70.3 Race Update

Well...I was pretty stressed out about a week and a half before the race. On Tuesday, it all of a sudden hit me that i was no longer stressed and just excited. As I am sure most of you know my birthday was on Saturday, so i got up early, drove to my mom's to get her and got me present. (I got cool new clothes :)) Then she and I headed to Austin. We had lunch at the brick oven and then headed to packet pick up. It was FULL of people, but organized and it moved along pretty quickly. I think next year, it should be moved to a bigger venue. Then we stuck around for the race meeting, at which point i almost freaked out when i thought i was going to have to have my torso covered for the entire run!!! (i asked and they said it was ok to wear a sports bra...PHEW!). After the meeting we headed over for bike drop off at the park. It was DUSTY! i let the air out of my tires so that they wouldnt pop while they tanned out there. Everything was nice and ready to go!!! Mom and I headed to the hotel to check in and ran into Lisa and Eric who were going to sneak a present into the room...i got an awesome 70.3 mug (which is now sitting right next to the very computer at which i am typing on. I had my coffee in it this morning and my afternoon tea later today). We watched tv for a while and then headed to the restaurant for dinner with the group. It was a huge group of us and we sat outside, the evening was PERFECT for it. We all chattted about the race and our goals and stuff. You know, its all we could talk about.

Race Morning
I woke up and had to think about why i was getting up so early. I quickly remembered. But i did have a sore throat. Shake it off. I took a wuick shower, braided my hair, debated about which tri top to wear and left by 510. We were waiting in the line to get into the parking lot by 527. Dont know what time we actually made it in there, but i was MAJORLY stressing about getting to the race site. Once we actually parked, then we had to wait in the line to get on a bus to get to the race site. that took FOREVER. I think we finally got to teh race site at 645. talk about being stressed. i was totaly fine after i got transition and everything set up. As it turns out the parking situation is what caused the race to be delayed about 20 minutes. The only other complaint i had besides the parking and busing situation was that there wasnt enough lighting in transition. Other than that ...Awesome.

The Swim
so i am walking over to the swim start to get in and warm up, and low and behold, my hot pink 25-29 swim cap rips!!!!!!!!!! dont worry, i was a hot pink cap at river cities, so it was ok. i had a back up. I warmed up and then froze a little when waiting. I was wave six. watched everyone go and then it was my turn to get in the water. (in the water start). we had three minutes between waves, i got my watch all situated and i just kept telling myself not to get caught up in the start and to just stay relaxed for the swim. which i did. I felt great in the water, except for this one chick that kept rubbing on me. she litterally was attached to me and i have the wounds to show it, she took a chunk out of my arm with her fingernail (which i didnt realize happened until the run...more on this later). After the last turn for home, there was this disturbing tapping on my feet. i figured it was one of these eager beavers trying to draft from me on the swim. i was so pissed that i kept kicking harder that way she/he would stop. at one point i was about to stop, pop the individual, and then keep going. But i didnt. i just kicked harder. they disappeared. i finished my swim in an amazing time of 25 something. WOW! i had beaten my goal by 5 minutes! (the swim was short).

Run to the bike (G section) there is dirt all over my feet. and i didnt bring a squirt bottle to clean that. so...i just wiped my feet as best i could with my towel. on to the i cross the bike out...I see a bike pedal on teh ground and think to myself "poor soul who lost their pedal, i dont know what i would do".... (refer to Brian Cook's story). On to teh bike.

The Bike
I'll keep this section short. I dont want to bore you guys with 56 miles worth of my thoughts. But most of it was oh yea, been here before, ok. watch the grooves on teh ground, and wow there are so many freaking people, i hope i dont get penalized for the 4 bike distance. I did end up walking up the very hard hill at like mile 4. i was switching gears and i swear it sounded like i broke the freakin crank. i got off and ran up the hill. no big deal, i shook it off and went on my merry way. i saw sexy lisa on the bike course. there were some hard sharp turns but felt pretty good. my calf started cramping around mile 35 or so, but i kept stretching it on the downhills. Oh according to my bike computer, at some point i hit 39 mph! Eat your heart out Lance! :) I felt great on teh bike and when i realized that i was very close to my original goal of 3 hours, i was super pumped. I had adjusted my bike goal after i went to austin to practice to 315. I ended up coming in at 305. the last two hills, were BRUTAL. Thanks Keith. I saw simon lessing finishing up as i was on one of those hills and i remember thinking, wow, he is done and i still have the entire run to go!

off the bike, bike on rack, helmet off, sunglasses off, shoes on, water bottle, go. crap, my rumber broke and is now hanging by one hole on the race belt. quickly fix that by poking a hole. ok good go. The winner just won.

The run
who in god's green earth decided to grow hills in texas. shoot em. i never found my pace. my 2 mile run, 30 second walk went out the door before the first mile was even over. new plan. walk the uphills, run the rest. the first loop was very difficult and hot. remember the hole that was created on my swim by someones nail, this is when i realized i had it. i thought oh i need new arrowbar pads, yea dont know why i thought that, the scratch is on the bottom of my tricept. i must have been loosing it. at mile 4 i saw my mom who was taking pics. ! yea!!! i saw several peopel on teh loops and cheered and high fived and hugged. i thought for sure by this point that 6 hours was out of the question, when i started to do teh math, i guess this part of the brain wasnt gone yet, it turns out that i could make it. the second loop felt much better than the first, but i continued to walk the uphills. PS. there is this massive hill that i dont wish upon anyone. it hurt to walk up it. enough said. as i went up it the second time, i kept calculating...ok when i get to the top, ill be at mile 12 and that means only 1.1 miles to go after that and i have 15 minutes. ok doable. i got my butt in gear and finished it off....i got tears in my eyes as i came down the shoot, but you better believe there was a smile on my face. the announcer said look at that smile and here she comes Agustina Foglietta from Houston. (not you are an ironman, that comes next year) but i did hear one woman say yea 791, you are an ironman, i thought, not yet, but i am halfway there!!!!
