Friday, October 24, 2008

It feels like Friday and it IS Friday!

YEY! its friday and it feels like friday! its been friday in my head since wednesday!!!!
today was pretty cool. had lunch at my favorite argentine lunch spot with my good friend, finished a bunch of crap at work and went on my merry way out the door.
I have a 5K tomorrow!! i wonder how fast i'll go. and by fast i mean "slow". PS this is going to be an awesome weekend!
i have been persuaded into doing another race. this one is a trail run. 25K of trails. should be ok. i bargained though, dont think i didnt get something out of signing up. I got my friend to sign up for austin, so that i can kick my goal's ass....i think that if he runs with me, ill for sure get it, cause he's a hard a$$. im pretty excited about austin, not so much about the 25K. ill get there though.


6 miles - 2 loops 51:45
1. 9:33
2. 8:39
3. 8:45
4. 8:25
5. 8:31
6. 8:35

Temperature: 51 degrees

1 comment:

TessyTris said...

Ok Augie - pressure's on. I found your blog and I'm watching!!!!! HEHEHEHEH...hugs!!!