Monday, October 27, 2008

Nice Legs!!

well thats the first time i ever receive that compliment. today i wore my new dress. which i love. anyways, theres something to be said about a new outfit. it defintely makes you feel GREAT! i never thought that when i went to the eyeglass place, i would get one of the best compliments! this ranks up there with the "you've got a nice set of arms" comment i got at starbucks one morning. so anyways, i am at eye masters in highland village, and i am waiting for the chick that is processing my purchase. the guy that worked there, says to me "i hope you are not going to take offense to this, but first of all i just want you to know that i am gay, but damn, you have really great legs. you must do marathons or something" i thing i turned just a shade shy of blood red. anyways, i thanked the guy and went about my business. so i got a freaking kick ass compliment and a new pair of glasses that definitely show the studious side of me.....actually i am just excited because i wont be embarrassed to wear my glasses now. its going to do wonders for me during busy season!!

today was trully never ending though. waited for my manager to get back with me on some stuff and it was just kinda later than i originally intended on staying. oh well...i take off early on thursday and i wont see that place until next tuesday. i just cant wait. IMFL here we come! the next couple of weekends are just going to be a complete and total blast. then seriousness will hit and for sure hard core training will begin. with some serious strength training and core workouts and trainer ridesto get faster. I am going to kick the shit out of IMFL 2008.

sometimes i wish i didnt have my shit together. it intimidates people.

today's workout

4 miles - Memorial - 33:20

1. 8:15

2. 8:05

3. 8:25

4. 8:33

Temperature: i think it was like 61 but totally windy. it was saweeeeet! too bad i cant run tomorrow cause i have to be at work at the butt crack. i think its going to be in the upppppper 30s! damn!


KCWoodhead said...

Apparently I intimidate people too. When I hear that it makes me laugh. Do they know we really aren't scary?

June said...

Compliments make everyday so much better....YOU HOTTIE!!!

sassy stephanie said...

Heeeeeey hot stuff! You know you are the bomb if a gay man notices you! Them haves good taste.