Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dunder Mifflin?!

Guess where i was from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm?! .....
Yep - the office, i left so late that i actually missed part of the actual show. And since i am stuck in the olden age and dont have dvr, i am screwed and dont get to watch the beginning. i guess jim was flippin gout cause pam was out late in nyc. whatev. its my new word. whatev. i stole it from a guy at work. At least we got a lot done at the office today. so thats always good. I am not all too thrilled about getting up in the am to run, but what makes it great is that its supposed to be 48 degrees in the morning. i freaking love cold weather. OH! another very exciting thing, me and one of my manager's other seniors are organizing a potluck christmas dinner! its going to be absolutely awesome. OOOh! i just thought that we could even do a little white elephant exchange....ahhh...back to the old college days of swim team holiday parties! HA!
Today's workout:
3 mile loop with K ~ 31 minutes.
Temp: 59 degrees


KCWoodhead said...

You should re-write that to read:

Today's workout:
3 miles at the park, 31 minutes, being an awesome friend and making sure K doesn't die during this 3 mile run.

sassy stephanie said...

Watch it online. While at the office. yer boss'll love that