Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday felt like Thursday....

so i attempted to get up this morning to go run. the alarm went off, and my hand hit the snooze button 1/2 of a second later. 9 minutes later, the alarm went off again. who was i kidding?! this time there was no snoozing, it was just resetting. I had to be at work before eight. meeting with the boss to discuss STRATEGY. by 10:39 am i felt like i should be well on my way to getting ready to go home. needless to say today dragged on and on until about 7:18 pm when i left work. i was supposed to go lift at the y. but that didnt happen either. agh. i feel like a ball of fat. i am hoping tomorrow's rain holds off until i am done running.
off to bed "my friends".
goodevening and goodnight.


sassy stephanie said...

Heeeeey, heard you are going to Lus-iana without me! Wassa matter? Fraid I'll BEAT you?

KCWoodhead said...

I'm PLANNING to swim at 5:45 and spin at 6:30 tonight at the Y if you want to join me. We will see if both the swim and bike actually happen, but I have high hopes.

June said...

I love SNOOZE!!!!